لا توجد منتجات في سلة المشتريات.
Botrydium w.m., Chara apex w.m., Chara internode t.s., Chara sexual organs v.s., Chara sexual w.m., Chlamydomonas w.m., Chlorella w.m., Cladophora w.m., Closterium w.m., Coleochaete w.m., Cosmarium w.m., Eudorina w.m., Euglena, Hydrodictyon w.m., Oedogonium Capcell w.m., Oedogonium macrandrous w.m., Oedogonium nannandrous w.m., Oedogonium oogonial w.m., Oedogonium vegetative w.m., Pandorina w.m., Spirogyra lateral conjugation w.m., Spirogyra scalriform conjugation w.m., Spirogyra vegetative w.m., Ulothrix reproductive w.m., Ulothrix vegetative w.m., Vaucheria reproductive w.m, Volvox antheridal w.m., Volvox daughter colony w.m., Volvox mixed stage w.m., Volvox oogonial w.m., Volvox zygote w .m., Zygnema conj w.m.
The set includes five blocks of the same size and mass and five steel balls also of the same size and mass. Students will be surprised to observe that the blocks and balls when combined together, results in different mass in each case. The set illustrates the importance of mass distribution in determining the mass of an object.
Brass, plated.
Total 505 gm ,Comprising 1 mass of 200 gm, 2 masses of 100 gm, 1 mass of 50 gm, 1 mass of 20 gm, 2 masses of 10 gm, 2 masses of 5 gm, 2 masses of 2 gm, 1 mass of 1 gm. In box
The Equal Mass Metal Cylinder Set includes Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Tin and Zinc. Each Cylinder measures ½” in diameter and has the same mass, 20 gm.