عرض 1441–1455 من أصل 1964 نتيجة
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Post Office Box, Plug Type
Plug type, with three pairs of ratio coils of 10,100 and 1000 ohms and 16 series coils from 1 to 5000 ohms, total 11,110 ohms, giving a range from 0.01 ohm to 1,111,000 ohms. Two tapping keys are provided for battery and galvanometer. Accuracy ratio coils ±0.05%, others ±0.1%.
SKU: PH50580 - Uncategorized
Post Office Box, Wheatstone Bridge
With two ratio dials of 10,100 and 1000 ohms each and a resistance arm of four dials, each of ten coils of 1, 10, 100 and 1000 ohms, giving total resistance of 11,110 ohms, with 4 mm socket terminals for battery, galvanometer and unknown resistance. Highly stable resistances are used. Accuracy ±0.1%.
SKU: PH50585 - Uncategorized
Potometer And Atmometer
For investigating transpiration. Measures the uptake of water by a cut plant shoot. The cut shoot may be replaced by a porous pot filled with water which enables measurement of the rate of evaporation from a moist surface, thus giving indication of relative humidity. Comprises a capillary tube with mm scale connected to a syringe and an outlet via a three way stopcock. The syringe enables adjustment of air bubble during set-up, the outlet is connected to the cut shoot or porous pot, mounted on strong vertical plate.
SKU: B13335 - Uncategorized
Potometer, Ganongs
To demonstrate rates of transpiration and of water absorption by a cut shoot, with a graduated capillary tube bent down at right angle at one end with a small orifice and having water reservoir with glass stopcock and the end tube with rubber stopper for the plant shoot at the other end, on base.
SKU: B13337 - Uncategorized
Potometer, Simple
A glass tube with stopper at both ends. The bottom stopper has a mm graduated capillary tube while the top has two holes one for a glass tube to accommodate plant shoot through a rubber tube and the other for a 2 ml syringe to adjust air bubble during the setting up.
SKU: B13330 - Uncategorized
Potometer, Thoday
A glass tube 15 mm dia with a side arm leading to a thistle funnel in rubber tubing has both its ends tapered and bent at right angles. One end would accept plant stem and the other is connected to a capillarty tube with mm scale, mounted on an L shaped stand.
SKU: B13347