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Botrydium w.m., Chara apex w.m., Chara internode t.s., Chara sexual organs v.s., Chara sexual w.m., Chlamydomonas w.m., Chlorella w.m., Cladophora w.m., Closterium w.m., Coleochaete w.m., Cosmarium w.m., Eudorina w.m., Euglena, Hydrodictyon w.m., Oedogonium Capcell w.m., Oedogonium macrandrous w.m., Oedogonium nannandrous w.m., Oedogonium oogonial w.m., Oedogonium vegetative w.m., Pandorina w.m., Spirogyra lateral conjugation w.m., Spirogyra scalriform conjugation w.m., Spirogyra vegetative w.m., Ulothrix reproductive w.m., Ulothrix vegetative w.m., Vaucheria reproductive w.m, Volvox antheridal w.m., Volvox daughter colony w.m., Volvox mixed stage w.m., Volvox oogonial w.m., Volvox zygote w .m., Zygnema conj w.m.
Aluminium, diameter 50 mm, in metal frame, with two hooks.
Brass, plated. With loop on one side and hook on the other side.
Stove enameled.
Balance designed to work for mass and force activity. Dual calibrated in grams and Newton.