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Amaranthus stem t.s., Aristolachia old stem t.s., Begonia stem l.s., Begonia stem t.s., Boerhavia old stem t.s., Bougainvillea stem t.s., Calotropis stem t.s., Cana indica stem t.s., Casurina stem t.s., Chenopodium stem t.s., Clematis stem t.s., Coleus stem t.s., Cucurbita stem l.s., Cucurbita stem old t.s., Cucurbita stem,young t.s., Dracaena stem t.s., Euphorbia stem t.s., Helianthus stem l.s., Hydrilla stem t.s., Jussaea stem t.s., Maize, (zea mays), stem l.s., Maize,(zea mays), stem t.s., Mirabillus stem t.s., Monocot stem,typical t.s., Muhlenbeckia cladode t.s.(xerophytic), Nyctanthus stem t.s., Nymphea stem t.s., Potato tuber c.s. for starch grain, Potomogeton stem t.s., Ranunculus stem t.s., Salvadora stem t.s.(xerophytic), Smilax stem t.s., Sunflower, (helianthus) stem young t.s, Sunflower, (helianthus) stemold t.s., Tinospora stem t.s., Vitis stem t.s.
Total 505 gm ,Comprising 1 mass of 200 gm, 2 masses of 100 gm, 1 mass of 50 gm, 1 mass of 20 gm, 2 masses of 10 gm, 2 masses of 5 gm, 2 masses of 2 gm, 1 mass of 1 gm. In box
Brass weights in a carrying rack.
Aluminium tubular balance, with zero adjustment. Scales are both in grams and Newton. With upper & lower suspension hooks, graduation on inner tube.
The Equal Mass Metal Cylinder Set includes Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Tin and Zinc. Each Cylinder measures ½” in diameter and has the same mass, 20 gm.